
Durability for HORROR FPS KIT

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.

Expand your gameplay mechanics with Durability!
Allow breakable items, weapons and more!

*One License Per Seat


Give your players an immersive experience!
Durability for Horror FPS Kit provides everything you need to break and repair player items / weapons on demand!

In order to utilize Durability you MUST OWN a copy of Horror FPS KIT!

  • Action Bar
  • Character Action
  • Inventory Durability / Repair
  • Durability Damage Trigger (i.e water, dirty area, etc.)
  • Repair Bench Model
  • Repair Bench UI
  • Simple Fade
  • 6 Main Scripts
  • 4 Helper Extensions (i.e Floating Icon Helper, Scenes Updater, Script Editor & Version Detect)
  • 9 Utility Scripts
  • 3 Demo Scenes
  • Demo Animations, Sounds, Graphics, etc.
  • Documentation

Additional information

Current Version


Latest Release Date

July 3rd, 2024

Supported Unity Versions


Supported HFPS Versions

HFPS 1.6.3a+

Supported Pipelines




  • Hit Receiver – Receives damage from HFPS weapons, can send damage via event to any script
  • Durability – Controls Durability state for inventory items and player items / weapons (i.e switcher items)
  • Active Handler – Keeps track of activated objects (i.e broken planks, etc.)
  • Durability Trigger – Applies damage to weapons that are out / current displayed and allow durability, either on enter or over time
  • Bench UI – Controls Bench UI display and repair to weapons
    (i.e repair cost, durability update, etc.)
  • Bench – Handles interaction initialization for Bench UI, as well as handles item / weapon display via Bench UI (i.e craft, repair, etc.)



Other Stores

Durability is also available on other store fronts listed below:

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