Shooting Range v0.1.5 Release

The latest version of Shooting Range has been released!
Below you will find a detailed changelog for this version release

Version updates are pushed directly to the Dizzy Media
and Unity Asset Store

Dizzy media store unity asset store



25 June 2024

  • uPDATEdCharacter Action – Added Save Time option
    (i.e action attribute > teleport > teleport type > level)
    (i.e sets when the save will occur, i.e action start, action start end, etc.)
  • uPDATEdCharacter Action – Added Pre Load Scene option
    (i.e action attribute > teleport > teleport type > level)
    (i.e saves data to be pre loaded into the next scene, i.e inventory, objectives, player state, etc.)
  • uPDATEdCharacter Action – Updated Action_Start action
    (i.e for new pre load save and save options)
  • ~
  • MiscUpdated Documentation

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