
Components v0.5.4 Release

The latest version of Components has been released!
Below you will find a detailed changelog for this version release

Version updates are pushed directly to the Dizzy Media
and Unity Asset Store




8 May 2024

  • uPDATEdCharacter Action – Added Teleport_Level action
    (i.e creates level transition via string)
  • uPDATEdCharacter Action – Updated SubActions_Update action
    (i.e for new require item options and display fixes)
  • uPDATEdCharacter Action – Updated Action_Start action
    (i.e added last look and mouse look updates, more info below)
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  • uPDATEdPlayer Creator – Fixed issue with Lists not working correctly in Unity 2021+
  • uPDATEdPlayer Creator – Updated Action Inputs usage
    (i.e changed to Action Input Types)
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  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Auto class (i.e moved all auto values to this class)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Action Type enum and option (i.e basic, etc.)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Action Display enum and option (i.e none or custom)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Attribute Type enum and option
    (i.e none, heal, item, etc.)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Attribute Trigger enum and option (i.e auto or manual)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Delay Display options (i.e controls custom display delay)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Action Types options (i.e for custom display option)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added SubAction_Types class (i.e for use with custom actions)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added HFPS.Systems reference (i.e for inventory checks)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added UnityEngine.Events reference (i.e for use with Unity Events)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Require Item option
    (i.e requires a specific item to be in players inventory before the sub action can be used)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Use Item option (i.e uses the required item when sub action is activated)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added Item ID option (i.e the ID of the item used in require item / use item options)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added SubAction_EndBuffInit and SubAction_EndBuff actions
    (i.e delays SubAction_End call)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added CustomActionsCreate_Buff, CustomActions_Create, CustomActionsReset_Buff and CustomActions_Reset actions (i.e controls custom actions handling)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Added SoundSlot_Set and SoundSlot_Reset actions
    (i.e sets and resets sound slot)
  • uPDATEdSub Action –  Added Locked_State action (i.e sets locked state via bool)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Updated StartInit action (i.e for new references check)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Updated SubAction_Init action (i.e for new custom action and attribute options)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Updated SubAction_End action (i.e for new custom action options)
  • uPDATEdSub Action – Updated SubAction_Sound action (i.e for new auto values reference)
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  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added Create Instance option
    (i.e general options > use instance, i.e creates instance on start)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added CustomActions_Set and CustomActions_Reset actions
    (i.e controls custom actions)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added UnityEngine.Events reference
    (i.e for use with Unity Events)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added Auto class (i.e moved all auto values to this class)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added Awake action (i.e creates instance on awake)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added InputsFull_Check action (i.e checks full state on input)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added Interact_Type enum (i.e button or auto)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added Input_Direction enum (i.e up, down, etc.)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added Get_ActionSlot action
    (i.e returns the slot of the referenced action)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Added Get_CurrentAction action
    (i.e returns current action value)
  • uPDATEdSub Action Handler – Added Get_PlayerInput action
    (i.e returns current player input enum)
  • uPDATEdSub Action Handler – Added Get_PlayerInput_Int action
    (i.e returns current player input integer)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Updated Action_Input class values
    (i.e added new auto values and input values)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Updated StartInit action
    (i.e for new auto values reference)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Updated Update action
    (i.e for new custom action options, fill reduction features and input checks)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Updated UIFade_Buff action
    (i.e for new require item check and pause fix)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Updated InputCheck_Type action
    (i.e for new auto values reference)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Updated Locked_State, LockDelay_Update, LockState_Delayed and LockStateDelay_Buff actions (i.e for new auto values reference)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions Handler – Replaced Sub Action Activate actions with
    Sub Action Init actions (i.e for new actions handling)
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  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added HFPS.Systems reference
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added Detect Inventory options to Inputs
    (i.e detects inventory input when sub action inputs are shown)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added Detect Pause Back options to Inputs
    (i.e detects back input from controller)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added Input value to Input Holders class
    (i.e keyboard, gamepad, etc.)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added InputIcons_Reset action
    (i.e resets all input holders states)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added Auto class (i.e moved all auto values to this class)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added Start Init action (i.e start values moved here)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added ActionHolder_Reset action
    (i.e resets specific action holder via int)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added Pause_Check action
    (i.e checks the pause state for action updates)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added Get_Pause action (i.e returns pause state)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Added Locked_State action (i.e sets locked state via bool)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Updated StartInit action (i.e for new checks)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Updated Update action
    (i.e for new pause, pause back and inventory input actions)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Updated Actions_Show action (i.e for new pause check)
  • uPDATEdSub Actions UI – Updated InputHolder_Update, InputHolders_Reset and InputCheck_Icons actions (i.e for new auto values reference and new input check features)
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  • FIXESCharacter Action – Fixed an issue with looking direction snapping at the end of the action start action, due to update look caps > true and incorrect rotation values being updated (i.e replaced deltaInput update with rotationX / rotationY update, based on the last look at movement)
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  • FIXESSub Actions UI – Fixed an issue with sub actions showing at the end of a basic action (i.e after animation finishes) and the game being paused (i.e now checks if game is paused and if not, waits until pause > false to show sub actions display again)
  • FIXESSub Actions UI – Fixed an issue with input display for sub actions not properly updating IF changing input slots from one Character Action to another (i.e top, bottom, left > top, right, left, etc.)
  • FIXESSub Actions UI – Fixed an issue with input display not updating until after sub action inputs have finished showing (i.e input update was waiting until locked > false, now checks before showing)
  • FIXESSub Actions UI – Fixed an issue with un-pausing the game with a Controller (i.e back input) and input display not showing again / breaking (i.e now checks back input / pause state and updates inputs accordingly)
  • FIXESSub Actions UI – Fixed an issue with sub actions display hiding on pause input, even if the game doesn’t pause or show pause menu (i.e character action > ui options > don’t disable pause menu),
    now specifically checks if the game is actually paused or not.
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  • SCENESComponents Demo Scenes (All) – Updated Sub Actions Handler values
    (i.e input types > keyboard / gamepad)
  • SCENESComponents Demo Scenes (All) – Updated Sub Actions UI values
    (i.e action holders > input holders > keyboard > no input / input sprites)
  • SCENESComponents Demo Scenes (All) – Updated Sub Actions UI reference on the Pause Menu > Return button (i.e pause UI > return > on click event > changed Actions_ShowSolo > Pause_Check action reference)
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  • MiscUpdated Demo Player Creator Template (i.e sub actions > action inputs)
  • MiscUpdated Prefabs
  • MiscUpdated Scenes
  • MiscUpdated Documentation
  • MiscUpdated Localization Packs
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