Invector World Components


Invector World Components adds a few extra features to the Invector system and expands on what’s currently possible!

*One License Per Seat


As you might know the Invector systems are really handy, allowing developers to create the games of their dreams with a flexible system and responsive devs.

While the Invector systems come with a lot i found that some crucial features are missing and decided to create them!

As of v0.9.2 ALL IWC MENUS are now cross compatible with keyboard/mouse and controller! (i.e menus detect both inputs and update accordingly)

In order to utilize Invector World Components you MUST OWN a copy of Third Person Controller – Melee Combat Template!

  • IWC Save System (Includes Obfuscation Option)
  • Action Bar
  • Area Notification
  • Collection Display
  • Crafting Handler
  • Item Pickups Manager & Item Pickups Collect
  • Message System (Display & Menu)
  • Player Stats (limited to play time and player name for now)
  • Settings Menu
  • 37 Player/UI/Systems/World Components (listed below)
  • 28 Helper Components
  • Custom demo shaders, skybox, sounds, particles and gizmos
  • 9 Demo Scenes
  • Documentation

Additional information

Current Version


Latest Release Date

Dec. 19th 2023

Supported Unity Versions

Unity 2020.3.7+

Supported Invector Versions

2.6.1a – 2.6.3

Supported Pipelines




  • IWC Save (w/Obfuscation) – Save/load system specifically meant for the IWC systems and components, the system will automatically create/load data from a JSON file and update various systems values & states on game start (more details in changelog).
  • ActionBar – Display a screen space action bar to signify interactable objects (i.e open chest, climb ladder, rest, etc.)
  • Area Notification – Shows an animated notification when a trigger area is entered.
  • Collection Display – Display collected vItems or Fake Items
    (icons, names, amount)
    *Fake Items are items that are not actually stored in the inventory and are displayed to symbolize unlocking an emotion/gesture, etc.*
  • Item Pickups Manager – Keeps track of item pickups in your scene and displays them in a menu, fully compatible with IWC_Save.
  • Message System – Write and display in game messages similar to souls like games.
  • Player Stats – Store player stats data and update the appropriate systems.
  • (limited to play time and player name for now)
  • IWC_NPC – Interactive NPC that plays sound clips, shows menus and has custom UnityEvent actions (Reacts to damage like any other Enemy AI, can be passive to damage or not)
  • Travel Cam Controller – Controls camera position/rotation for traveling with vEasyTravel, comes with custom inspector which offers you to easily preview and catch camera position/rotations per spawn/travel transform.
  • Travel Cam Helper – A helper that executes actions for the Travel Cam Controller preview.
  • DM Dissolve Controller – Easy to use script that helps control dissolving in/out when using the our custom dissolve shader.
  • IWC_AIHolders – Holder for AI references (i.e lock on transform, etc.)
  • vItemGive – Easily give/reward players with items based on certain actions
    (i.e boss death, puzzle complete, etc.)
  • IWC Holders – Contains objects referenced and used other IWC systems.
  • vLives – Allows the player to have a set amount of lives.
  • vLockOn (Altered) – Altered lock on script that only shows health bar when the enemy is locked on to (World space UI).
  • vPlayerEffects – Allows you to play an idle sound if the player is idle for a period of time, as well as an unlimited array of custom particles + sounds which can be triggered by one call.
  • vPlayerLight – Handles light source in/on player which is shown for dark areas (i.e similar to dark souls)
  • Complex Notifications – Notification system that allows unlimited custom notifications and can be called to at any time.
  • vBossHealth – Display screen space boss health, name, damage received, etc. (supports multiple boss & mob/horde health display).
  • vSaveIndicator – Displays a save indicator with one quick call.
  • Simple Fade – Handles screen fades.
  • Advanced Menu – Pause menu similar to Dark Souls 3, providing more advanced features, options, controls, etc.
  • Complex Menu – Upgraded version of Simple Menu, giving you more features, more options and more control.
  • Easy Emotes – Play emotions from a menu
    (can unlock/lock emotions in realtime) *Fully compatible with IWC Save*
  • vEasyTravel – Flexible menu to easily travel between rest areas.
  • vMenusLock – Lock all menus that require an input to show with one call
    (i.e Complex Menu, Easy Emotes & Item Pickups)
  • vRestCont – Provides events for more custom rest actions
    (i.e move players location, move time forward, etc.)
  • vRestMenu – Flexible and easy to use menu that shows rest options.
  • Settings Menu – Change game settings on the fly, pre-built settings menu fully compatible with IWC_Save
  • Simple Menu – Simple pause menu.
  • vEasyLock – Lock all the player controls with ease
    (includes options to lock the camera & show/hide the cursor)
  • vSpawnController – Allows you to update the respawn point at any time
    (useful for rest areas, checkpoints, etc.).
  • vChestCont – Controls chest actions (i.e open/close, item state, etc.)
  • vEasyDoor – Controls door actions (i.e open doors, sounds, animations, etc.)
  • vFakeWall – Handles Walls or Objects you wish to hide upon player interaction (Interactable like any other invector breakable object).
  • vFogWall – Holds values for vWorldCont usage.
  • vRebirth – Gives the developer more control over what happens when the player dies and respawns.
  • vRestArea – Allows the player to rest at a specific spot (i.e bonfire, alter, etc.), restores full health and allows custom actions.
  • vRestCont – Control the rest action more with custom player rest position, camera position, custom actions for rest, etc.
    (created for EWC but can be used with IWC)
  • vSaveLite – Save & Load inventory whenever you want
    (Uses built in Invector inventory storage).
  • vWorldController – Handles Doors, Chests/Chests Item state, Fog Walls and Fake Walls (Set active state, set interaction trigger state, reset/set fog walls after death, etc.) *Additional world options will be added in the future*
  • vFallController – Handles falling allowing the player to have specific areas where the player can fall a great distance and receive no damage (supports multiple players and ragdoll setups)



Other Stores

Invector World Components is also available on other store fronts listed below:

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